
Showing posts with the label Putin


Election: (CSD-Ghana) Backs The NDC’s “Enough is Enough” Protest In Demand For A Credible Voters’Register

The CSD-Ghana believes strongly that the foundation of any free and fair election is a credible register and as such, any effort towards having a credible Voters’ Register must be supported by all democracy lovers. The Electoral Commission has admitted to many errors in the Electoral Roll, as pointed out by the NDC, but has failed to allow for an independent forensic audit into the same. The EC, for example, has admitted that there were illegal vote transfers in Sagnerigu, Pusiga and Tamale South by an Electoral Commission Official in Tamale South. According to the EC, these illegal transfers went through because there was no “liveness check” mechanism in place to prevent such situations.  The NDC says the situation is widespread so there must be an audit. This is a fair and reasonable call to make, but the EC has remained intransigent. CSD-Ghana stands ready to fully participate in this protest and asks other democracy lovers to join us to mount enough pressure on the Electoral Commis

FOREIGN NEWS: 71-year-old Putin Sworn In For 5th Term As Russian President

Russian President Vladimir Putin was sworn in for his fifth term in Moscow on Tuesday, two months after being re-elected in a vote that was widely seen as neither free nor fair. The 71-year-old took the oath of office in a ceremony in the Kremlin, with several thousand people including senior Russian politicians and other high-ranking guests in attendance. Putin received 87% of the vote in March’s presidential election, which was overshadowed by widespread allegations of fraud, coercion and irregularities. He faced no credible opposition after his main challenger was barred from running. Live coverage of the inauguration on Russian television showed Putin being driven to the Grand Kremlin Palace in a Russian-made Aurus limousine before observing a parade by the Kremlin Regiment. He then swore a oath to protect the rights of Russia's citizens and to defend its constitution Putin, who has dominated Russian politics for a quarter of a century, was only allowed to run for re-election a