
Showing posts with the label Chopbar Operator


Election: (CSD-Ghana) Backs The NDC’s “Enough is Enough” Protest In Demand For A Credible Voters’Register

The CSD-Ghana believes strongly that the foundation of any free and fair election is a credible register and as such, any effort towards having a credible Voters’ Register must be supported by all democracy lovers. The Electoral Commission has admitted to many errors in the Electoral Roll, as pointed out by the NDC, but has failed to allow for an independent forensic audit into the same. The EC, for example, has admitted that there were illegal vote transfers in Sagnerigu, Pusiga and Tamale South by an Electoral Commission Official in Tamale South. According to the EC, these illegal transfers went through because there was no “liveness check” mechanism in place to prevent such situations.  The NDC says the situation is widespread so there must be an audit. This is a fair and reasonable call to make, but the EC has remained intransigent. CSD-Ghana stands ready to fully participate in this protest and asks other democracy lovers to join us to mount enough pressure on the Electoral Commis

Chop bar Operator Who Contracts Man To Unlive Three Women Has Been Arrested

The local food vendor popularly known as “Chopbar” who was named as an accomplice by a man who killed three women for Gh500 each in Krobo has been arrested. The woman in question denied the allegations and said that the man wanted to disgrace her. “You are disgracing me and destroying my name. You should end my life than what you are accusing me of.” She was heard saying in Krobo. The notorious k*ller insisted that the woman was the one who hired him to do the heinous deed. “It is you I did this with, nobody else was involved and you know it. Stop pretending, no one else is involved. this is the work of our hands.” He said he Krobo. Recall that a few days ago, a 35-year-old man was arrested for taking the lives of three women in the Krobo area. According to reports, the man was acting on the request of a Chopbar operator who wanted to use some parts of the women for ritual purposes. When the culprit identified as Richard Tetteh was arrested, he explained that the chop bar owner contrac