
Showing posts with the label Obaasima Mercy Hammond


Election: (CSD-Ghana) Backs The NDC’s “Enough is Enough” Protest In Demand For A Credible Voters’Register

The CSD-Ghana believes strongly that the foundation of any free and fair election is a credible register and as such, any effort towards having a credible Voters’ Register must be supported by all democracy lovers. The Electoral Commission has admitted to many errors in the Electoral Roll, as pointed out by the NDC, but has failed to allow for an independent forensic audit into the same. The EC, for example, has admitted that there were illegal vote transfers in Sagnerigu, Pusiga and Tamale South by an Electoral Commission Official in Tamale South. According to the EC, these illegal transfers went through because there was no “liveness check” mechanism in place to prevent such situations.  The NDC says the situation is widespread so there must be an audit. This is a fair and reasonable call to make, but the EC has remained intransigent. CSD-Ghana stands ready to fully participate in this protest and asks other democracy lovers to join us to mount enough pressure on the Electoral Commis

JUST IN: Dr Obaasima Mercy Hammond Celebrates Golden Jubilee

The W'Hambanathi hitmaker and philanthropist, Dr Mercy Hammond Sarfo popularly known in the Ghanaian Gospel Musician Fraternity as Obaasima Mercy just turned 50 years old on the 23rd of May, 2024.  The philanthropist and musician is also the founder of Help One Another Foundation, a foundation that is dedicated to providing and catering for the less privileged, needy and widows in society. She also doubles as the founder and leader of the You Need Me Association which is a group which is dedicated to seeking the interest and welfare of its members. Popularly known as Obaasima Mercy, she has contributed to the Ghanaian Gospel Music Industry by composing and performing several life-changing gospel songs that have saved lots of souls. She's known for songs like W'Hambanathi, Yenkye, and Nsa dame so, I have seen Jesus, Written, Me Nkwa Da Nyinaa among others.  As young as 50 years, she's made lots of positive impacts on society by footing the bills of the less privileged,