Rick Ross has added Ghanaian rapper Medikal to his growing list of African superstar friends The US-based rapper recently hosted Medikal for a live Instagram interaction, talking about his recent strides in London Rick Ross also expressed his keenness to join Medikal's Stubborn Academy gang. The rapper recently recounted his success story with US-based record executive and rapper Rick Ross, who raised a glass in his honour. During the conversation, the rappers talked about a mutual acquaintance, Brett Berish, the CEO of Belaire Champagne, who remains an avid fan of Medikal after hearing his Stubborn Academy hit record with Shatta Wale. Rick Ross joked about enrolling in Medikal's Stubborn Academy as he shared a few of his initiatives with Medikal. The MMG boss is currently on a mission to unite various top African stars for his upcoming project. So far, the rapper has included King Promise, Stonebwoy and Black Sherif in his plans as he ramps up preparations for the collaborativ...