Election: (CSD-Ghana) Backs The NDC’s “Enough is Enough” Protest In Demand For A Credible Voters’Register

The CSD-Ghana believes strongly that the foundation of any free and fair election is a credible register and as such, any effort towards having a credible Voters’ Register must be supported by all democracy lovers. The Electoral Commission has admitted to many errors in the Electoral Roll, as pointed out by the NDC, but has failed to allow for an independent forensic audit into the same. The EC, for example, has admitted that there were illegal vote transfers in Sagnerigu, Pusiga and Tamale South by an Electoral Commission Official in Tamale South. According to the EC, these illegal transfers went through because there was no “liveness check” mechanism in place to prevent such situations.  The NDC says the situation is widespread so there must be an audit. This is a fair and reasonable call to make, but the EC has remained intransigent. CSD-Ghana stands ready to fully participate in this protest and asks other democracy lovers to join us to mount enough pressure on the Electoral Commis

BREAKING NEWS: Strike Over, Every Teacher Should Go To Work On Monday

 The three teacher unions embarking on an industrial action against the appointment of Dr. Eric Nkansah as Director General of the Ghana Education Service (GES) have called off their strike.

This follows a court order asking the unions to return to the classroom after the National Labour Commission (NLC) filed an interlocutory injunction on their strike.

Even though the unions began the action after the appointment of the new Director General of the GES following the ousting of the previous boss, Prof. Kwasi Opoku Amankwah, they later supplemented their rationale with other welfare deficits in the profession as part of their reasons for laying down their tools.

The Accra Labour Court 2 presided over by Justice Ananda Aikins gave the ruling after the National Labour Commission’s restraining order against the teacher unions from continuing with their illegal strike.

President of the Ghana National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) Angel Carbonou told journalists Friday, November 11, 2022, that “we can’t disrespect the court order. To that end, we are telling all our members to resume work on Monday. Every teacher should go to work on Monday.”


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