Election: (CSD-Ghana) Backs The NDC’s “Enough is Enough” Protest In Demand For A Credible Voters’Register

The CSD-Ghana believes strongly that the foundation of any free and fair election is a credible register and as such, any effort towards having a credible Voters’ Register must be supported by all democracy lovers. The Electoral Commission has admitted to many errors in the Electoral Roll, as pointed out by the NDC, but has failed to allow for an independent forensic audit into the same. The EC, for example, has admitted that there were illegal vote transfers in Sagnerigu, Pusiga and Tamale South by an Electoral Commission Official in Tamale South. According to the EC, these illegal transfers went through because there was no “liveness check” mechanism in place to prevent such situations.  The NDC says the situation is widespread so there must be an audit. This is a fair and reasonable call to make, but the EC has remained intransigent. CSD-Ghana stands ready to fully participate in this protest and asks other democracy lovers to join us to mount enough pressure on the Electoral Commis

Ahanta West: Mother allegedly hangs son and herself


A young mother has committed suicide at Ajoa, a community in the Ahanta West Municipality of the Western Region.

Before committing suicide, she hanged her son.

It is currently unknown what caused her to take her life and that of her son but eyewitnesses who interacted with the host of Connect FM’s Omanbapa morning show, Nhyiraba Paa Kwesi Simpson, narrated that they met the lifeless,  bodies of the young mother and her son in the early morning of Wednesday, January 2023.

“We came to work in the building as labourers and saw the lifeless body of the lady and her son when we got there,” an eye witness by name Nana Yaw said.

“She could be in her early twenties whilst her son would be around four years. We don’t know where they come from and we don’t know any of their family members. They are still there on the ropes,” Nana Yaw added.

From images available, the young parent is seen hanged whilst her son’s hand is tied with a rope in a sad situation.

“Information I have gathered is that residents around the community saw the young lady begging for money with her son yesterday around 4:00pm. Nobody saw them again until this morning when we saw them dead in the uncompleted building. We do not know her in this community so we believe she came from somewhere else,” Assembly member for Ajoa, Robert James Yankey, indicated.


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